Airline Grounded in Paradise – Meet the Fokkers


Suriname-based airline, Fly Allways, may not get off the ground again.

The load factor between Suriname, Guyana and Barbados has fallen below 30 percent. Between Barbados and Guyana an average of just 20 seats are occupied. Plans to commence service to Haiti have been cancelled.

With creditors awaiting payments, poor payloads, and one of its two Fokker 70 aircraft being used as a source of spare parts to keep the other one airborne, Fly Allways faces an alarming financial future.

The airline’s current financial situation does not allow the airline to keep the second aircraft flying.

“Fly Allways request for an extension of maintenance time on major components of its aircraft such as the overhaul of the landing gear was not approved by the aviation authority of Suriname,” said a source. “This has led to the grounding of one aircraft, which is now being used as a source for parts of their sole flying Fokker 70.”

Curacao is the closest place in the Caribbean where the Fokker can be serviced but industry insider unconfirmed reports say neither aircraft has gone to Curacao for maintenance.

“After two years of sitting in Suriname, the two Fokkers haven’t been to a maintenance hangar. Fly Allways still does not have an approved maintenance base,” the source said.

Fly Allways may soon be known as transitioning to Fly Sometimes to Fly Not.

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About Jake Johnson 249 Articles
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing. We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles. We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
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