Should I be concerned about Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Yes, you should be concerned.

That said, it’s important to know that the All Inclusive Resorts are taking extreme measures to reduce your risk and provide a safe environment. Everything from daily testing of all resort employees (sometimes more than once daily), implementing no-touch check-in and check-out, to additional cleaning and disinfecting of all rooms and common areas, to changing how food and beverages are ordered and served.

As long as travelers do their part by staying socially-distanced from those not in their immediate family bubble (those who normally live with you at home, such as your spouse and live-in children) and avoiding group gatherings where social-distancing is not possible, then your risk at an all-inclusive resort is no greater than it would be if you stay at home.

The riskiest part of your trip will be the air flight…..although all airlines now have a mask mandate, and are also taking steps to disinfect the planes between trips and increase cabin air filtration, only Delta Airlines is still blocking out middle seats (which you can still request if you’re traveling as a family group) in order to help reduce the risk. Yay, Delta!!

DO be sure to check reliable resources for up-to-date information before you travel, such as:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website – Coronavirus Updates

World Health Organization (WHO) – Coronavirus Information

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About Trisha Miller - Editor-in-Chief 58 Articles
Trisha is also the Editor-in-Chief at Travel Writers Exchange, a community for travel writers & bloggers. She's also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, and a former member of the IFWTWA, serving on their Board of Directors from 2009 through 2015. When not traveling the world visiting the many all-inclusive resorts she loves, Trisha spends her time writing, mainly about travel and technology, sometimes both at the same time.
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