93 Visits, 1000 Nights at Couples Resorts

Couples Resorts - 93 visits and 1000 nights
Lee Issa, Chairman and Owner, Couples Resorts, Jamaica share some quiet words and catch-up with Fred and Cynthia Pennekamp who celebrated more than 1000 nights a Couples Resorts during a recent stay. (PRNewsfoto/Couples Resorts)

Ok….93 visits since 1982….

That has to be some kind of record.

Let’s do the math on this.

36 years / 93 visits is  2.6 visits per year

1000 nights / 36 year is 27.7 nights per year.

They stayed almost a month a year for 36 years.

Now that is a vacation. ( its like 9+ nights for each 93 trips)

No wonder everybody’s smiling……

I have to give Couples resorts props.   They do a great job and have a ton of repeat visitors.

It’s that old-school Jamaican charm you don’t find in hotel mills.

And their staff stays with Couples forever.

Their ‘Trading Places’ program allows you to go between resorts between 10:00a – 4:00p for free, with shuttle included.

(You can go between Check PricesCouples Tower Isle and Check PricesSan Souci in Ocho Rios –  or – Check PricesCouples Negril and Check PricesSwept Away in Negril, but not between Ocho and Negril.  It’s a long haul.)

btw……they are on our list of best Topless Resorts…..


Their topless sections are secluded so you won’t get blind sided by nudies prancing about.   

Unless you want to be.


I’ll keep my top on for you……

Looking for more about Couples Resorts? Use the Search Box at the top.


P.S.  I found this interesting……

What Kind of Wine is Served with Lionfish?

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About Jake Johnson 249 Articles
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing. We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles. We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
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