Airport Prank….Shocker!

Airport Sticker Shock
Alish Erman via Twitter @alishisthebest

Picture this…..Your phone is down to 15% and you really want to get it charged before your flight.  You see an outlet. Whew! That was close….only to find out that it’s a sticker!

Yes. Sticker. Shocker!  Did anyone see you?  Probably the other travelers that fell for the same annoying prank.


In a nutshell: Some twit is putting stickers in different areas that look like they’re real. Unsuspecting travelers are in need of charging their devices and are falling for this prank!  Don’t fall for it, too!

So beware.  You’ve been warned.

Consider investing in a spare battery (fully charged, of course).

Don’t Fall for This Airport Prank

More shocking news…
The Super Annoying Airport Prank Driving People Mad
The Cruel Airport Prank Travellers Need to Watch Out For

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About Donna Adinolfi 248 Articles
Donna Adinolfi is a wellness travel expert, a freelance writer, an award-winning photographer, and the founder/publisher of Her 30+ year career includes serving as the Travel & Spa Editor of Balance Magazine as well as planning wellness travel & retreats. An avid fan of the freedom from carrying cash or credit cards, Donna loves to visit all-inclusive wellness resorts in the U.S, and traveling to some of Mexico's and the Caribbean's many all-inclusive resorts several times each year. She's also a member of the North American Travel Journalists Association.
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