Excellence Oyster Bay, Jamaica – tis irie mon’

Excellence Oyster Bay Breaking Ground

Yeah Mon’

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, Excellence Oyster Bay opened in Oyster Bay, Jamaica!

They have their own peninsula with a rockin’ beach……

Excellence Oyster Bay, Jamaica - Beach View
Excellence Oyster Bay, Jamaica – Beach View


And if you’re comin’ in hot’ on a rented Jetski, here is what you will see.

Excellence Oyster Bay, Jamaica - Beach View
Excellence Oyster Bay, Jamaica – Beach View


No lack of beach or swim-able water…….

Or lack of weed now that Ganja Reform has gone into effect.

So get ready to pack up your speedo and head to Paradise……

Tings tis irie mon’


keepen da sand warm fer ya mon’

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About Jake Johnson 252 Articles
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing. We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles. We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
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