Wear a mask. Don’t wear a mask. Wear a mask! It was a bit confusing when the pandemic began regarding the use of face masks with some of the information flying around between the CDC, [Read More…]
Travel is slowly picking up with borders reopening, all-inclusive resorts reopening, and there’s an increase in flight schedules. So…if you’re a little leery about traveling again and want to feel more confdent….this may be helpful. [Read More…]
Thinking about traveling to Mexico or the Caribbean? You’ll want to continuing reading…. New Requirements from CDC The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will require a negative COVID-19 test for all air passengers [Read More…]
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing.
We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles.
We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
All products are independently selected by our editors, generally after a day of heavy drinking and debauchery. However, when you buy something through our retail links, there's no additional cost to you but we do earn an affiliate commission which keeps the lights on here, and provides more incentive for us to drink and debauch. So buy some stuff :-)