Packing cubes. They rule!

Packing Cubes

Got a problem with your unmentionables?

Is every vacation a clusterfargen of packing chaos?

Help is on the way.

The quiescent ‘Packing Cube’ to the rescue.

I discovered these Check Pricescute little cubes about 2 years ago and have not been the same since.

Why are they so cool?

For 5 reasons:

  1.  I now separate my clothes by day, by event, by genre and by color.
  2.  I can share 1 suitcase with my emotional support peacock and not end up unpacking everything just to find her mascara.
  3.  As clothes get wet/sweaty/smelly etc…..I can put those is a separate cube and not contaminate my meeting wear.
  4.  When I get to a hotel before the 3:00pm check-in time, I can put my hands on my cube of beach stuff in a second.
  5.  I don’t have to worry about scrounging for a plastic bag for my muddy golf shoes.

And 1 bonus reason – I can pack ahead of time and change my mind at the last minute – without having to unpack everything just to switch my board shorts for a speedo.

Don’t believe me, take 3 mins and listen to this guy extol a cube’s virtues.

Check out this post by our resident Packing Queen, who really does fit everything for a two-week trip into one carryon-sized rolling bag.

Not sure exactly WHAT to pack? We also have some good advice here:

So, rock your packing jones and pack like a neat freak.


I’ll keep the cubes warm for you…….

P.S. We also have a handy printable Packing Checklist you can download: Printable Packing List

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About Jake Johnson 253 Articles
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing. We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles. We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
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