
What is

  • We are enthusiasts of all-inclusive travel
  • We feature all-inclusive industry news and insider information on resorts and destinations

Why should I write for

  • Because we pay you, – and you love all-inclusive vacations.

What type of content is looking for?

For the most part, our content falls into two general categories:

  • Breaking news items
  • Long form blog posts on ‘Best of….’ resorts, events, destinations and locations

What type of writer is looking for?

  • English as your primary language
  • Writers who want to educate and entertain.  You must communicate in a personal, funny, and engaging style

Why do I need to apply?

  • Duh!.   How else will we know your interested?

What happens after I apply and am accepted to write for

  • We will chat about the topics you would like to write about.  Then you start writing.

How do I apply to write for

  • Fill out this form below and press ‘Submit’.