Health Tips for All Inclusive Vacations


Booking and looking forward to a vacation is half the pleasure of having one. Arriving and spending a week or two at your all inclusive resort choice is heavenly. But, how will you feel when you come home?

Taking full advantage of the unlimited food and drinks is part of enjoying that longed-for vacation. A couple of extra pounds are to be expected. Lazing on the beach or by the pool is lovely, but consider some health-hacks to counteract the over-indulgence.  Choosing healthy options and making use of excellent in-house facilities, mean you’ll also come home feeling energized, healthy, and ready to tackle life again! We’ve made a list of tips and hacks to stay in great shape, look fabulous, and get the most from your all inclusive vacation.

Having fun, staying fit


Healthy and happy definitely does not have to mean Skinny Minny. Nobody wants to sit there with a salad every night, while everyone else tucks into the delicious food on offer. Jumping into the ocean, having fun, and ignoring the scales is the way to go – so do it all, with a healthy mind, and a few thoughtfully prepared tricks. You don’t have to pack your weights or home gym to be a savvy fittie!

An early workout


Hit the gym for a workout  in the early hours. There’ll be less people there, and you’ll start the day with a routine and a clear head. It’ll also help you to start your day with a healthy mindset, and a resolve to stay that way. We have already composed a list of the all inclusive resorts with state of the art gyms.

But, health and fitness outside is so much nicer, after all, the sun is shining. So rise and shine. Get in an early morning beach workout. That’s not to say you should set an alarm. But, if you’re used to getting up early, chances are you’ll wake up anyway. If you have children, it’s a guarantee! Leave the kids with your partner, and go for an early morning run on the beach. A fast-paced walk will do, carry a bottle of water in each hand for weights. You can drink them on the way back.



Water. So important in warmer climates. It’s also the key to losing a few pounds, and fuel for your body. So, make sure you increase your daily water intake, and you’ll be hydrated. Your skin looks better if you consume more water. You could ask for iced water with mint or lemon in place of every second alcoholic drink in the evening, halving your bar calories, and helping to avoid that early morning hangover. Interested in an eco all inclusive vacation? Then pack your own Check Pricesreusable water bottle and refill it as you go.



Check the activity schedule. Perhaps there’s an early morning yoga class, where you can get in an hour of restorative exercise, meet new friends, and have a bit of ‘me time’. Practice mindfulness as you stretch those tired limbs, making your body limber, building strength, and matching it with flexibility. At Check PricesExcellence Playa Mujeres, Mexico, indulge in their yoga and fitness classes, which includes stretching and Pilates, or go the whole hog with their fitness boot camp.  Caribbean dance lessons are also available, so you can hit the dance floor with confidence in the evenings. Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” T.K.V. Desikachar.

Pack a punch

Check PricesResistance bands are light and easy to pack along with your Check Pricesbikini. It’s not hard to find a spectacular beach setting at an all inclusive resort destination. So head on out to the soft white sand, and limber up with those bands whilst still topping up your tan. Portable, and even more effective than dumbbells, because they improve strength and balance. Where would you choose to take your resistance bands? How about Check PricesBeaches, Turks & Caicos? We consider it one of the best all inclusive resorts in Turks & Caicos.  Even without any special equipment, a few simple stretches and exercises on a twelve mile stretch of dreamy beach, with turquoise waters lapping at your toes, as you tone and tan. Sounds like a better alternative than the gym? Yep!

Dive right in


Well, come on in, the water’s lovely. Swimming burns 500 calories an hour, and that’s taking it easy. Because water is 800 times denser than air, each push, pull and kick will strengthen and tone your body far faster than jumping around in a sweaty gym. Add clear waters, fantastic diving, scuba, snorkeling, and you have a ready-made workout. Even splashing about with the kids on the shore will use up excess energy. Choose Check PricesFiesta Americana Cozumel for a chance to explore a contemporary resort, with an excellent diving experience. The picturesque seaside outpost is surrounded by a lush tropical forest, and is fronted by a private beach club with snorkeling, over-water sunbeds, and a boat dock. Or, how about the Check PricesLuxury Bahia Principe Runaway Bay in Jamaica, an adults-only resort, where you can swim with dolphins in the wild and open ocean at the nearby Dolphin Cove.

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About Carol Byrne 30 Articles
Originally from Dublin, Carol has also lived in London and Wales before settling in Spain with her husband and family in 2006, and is published regularly on travel and more from her mountain-top home in the picturesque foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Driven by a passion for travel, history, other cultures, and sustainable living, she enjoys life with her family in a traditional and tiny village. She also blogs about her traditional village life, sparked by a passion for the diverse culture and history of Spain.

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