Turks and Caicos Requires Visitors to be Fully-Vaccinated

Turks and Caicos - Grace Bay Beach
Turks and Caicos Tourism

More changes coming up for travel to Turks and Caicos.

Editor’s Note: Please see our newer Post with current Turks & Caicos Entry Requirements.

In a nutshell: Effective on September 1, 2021 – all visitors (16 and older) must be fully-vaccinated for Turks and Caicos and this is in addition to all other requirements.


Fully-vaccinated means you must have received your second dose (or single dose in the case of Johnson and Johnson) at least 14 days prior to arrival or entry will be denied.

In addition, the mask, curfew, and business closure requirements have also been extended to 10/31/21.


You do still need a TCI Assured Travel Authorization to board your flight.  This is free, done online and required by all visitors, regardless of age.

And… It’s also important to note that a COVID-19 PCR negative test or antigen test must be within 3 days (72 hours) of your arrival date.

The vaccination mandate is in addition to the PCR/antigen test requirement.

What you need to know:

  • As of September 1, 2021, all visitors 16 years of age and over must be fully-vaccinated*
    • Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Astrazeneca
  • A negative COVID-19 test result must be taken within 3 days prior to travel in the islands
    • Children under 10 are exempted from this requirement
  • (Mandatory) Insurance must cover COVID-19 medical costs and full hospitalization, doctors’ visits, prescriptions, and air ambulance
  • A completed online health screening questionnaire  –  TCI Assured free online travel authorization

Once a visitor is granted entry, no further COVID-19 tests are required and visitors are permitted to stay for 90 days.

Visitors are free to travel throughout Providenciales and the rest of the Turks and Caicos without restrictions during their stay.

What is accepted as ‘Proof of Vaccination’ for Turks and Caicos?

  • E-certificate or digital certificates from place of vaccination
  • Certification by your doctor or government entity
  • Vaccination cards/certificates accepted by national authorities
  • A vaccination letter signed by a medical professional (physician or registered nurse) on official letterhead with contact details
    • Doctors registration or licensed # should be included with details of the first and second dose (date, country and vaccine you received)

Returning to the United States:

A test is still required to reenter the U.S. from an international location within 3-days of departure.

Inquire about testing at your all-inclusive resort and if not offered on property there are a number of locations in Turks and Caicos offering testing.


Don’t Miss:

Frontier Airlines Adds 20 New Routes, 4 New International Destinations
COVID Testing Requirements Return for These Caribbean Islands



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About Donna Adinolfi 247 Articles
Donna Adinolfi is a wellness travel expert, a freelance writer, an award-winning photographer, and the founder/publisher of MindfulAdventures.com. Her 30+ year career includes serving as the Travel & Spa Editor of Balance Magazine as well as planning wellness travel & retreats. An avid fan of the freedom from carrying cash or credit cards, Donna loves to visit all-inclusive wellness resorts in the U.S, and traveling to some of Mexico's and the Caribbean's many all-inclusive resorts several times each year. She's also a member of the North American Travel Journalists Association.
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