RIU Foam Party is Raucous!

Riu Resorts Foam Party
Riu Resorts Foam Party

Thinking dirty thoughts?

Or do you just love that squeaky clean feeling you get after a day in the pool!

Jump into a  RIU Foam Party and scrub up against all the other foamers.

In A Nutshell: RIU is cleaning up its act – or at least your act – by reintroducing the famous RIU Foam Party.  The kids love it, the parents love it and unlike real soap, it does not make your eyes water.

It’s a little intimidating when it first gets started – so you will probably be standing on the sidelines lurking.

But it won’t be long before you will be whipped into a frenzy – and spanking people with your pool noodle.

Want to see it, and the other RIU Parties in action?

Head on over to this link » Check Priceshttps://www.RIU.com/RIU-party to see all the parties going on.

If you want to see if they can squeeze you into this chaos, check your favorite RIU to be sure they are hosting The Foam Party – and what a stay at a Riu costs.

Check PricesAvailability & Prices

If a foam party is not your thing then check out their RIU ‘Neon Party’, ‘Pink Party’, or ‘Jungle Party’…..those folks at RIU are party animals!

“A vacation is having nothing to do – and all day to do it.”

I’ll keep the foam warm for ya…..


Don’t Miss:

[NEW] Riu Aquarelle – 700 rooms in Trelawny, Jamaica
RIU Reopens Hotels in the Caribbean, The Bahamas, and Mexico

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About Jake Johnson 253 Articles
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing. We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles. We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
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