We’ve pretty much all had that nightmare, haven’t we? You know the one……
…..where you find yourself at work, or maybe in school or at the mall, and you suddenly discover that (gasp!) you’re not wearing anything! Gah! And yet, here I am suggesting that you do just exactly that….and while you’re awake too!
If you’ve never been to a nudist resort or a clothing-optional resort (aka ‘au naturel’ resort), it’s important to understand what they are as well as what they are not.
All-Inclusive Nudist resorts ARE:
- Private – you won’t find clothed people staring, gawking, or taking photos. The resorts are secluded, private, and don’t allow in the looky-loos because none of the guests would be comfortable otherwise.
- Upscale – most are gorgeous resorts set on beautiful tropical beach locations, offer gourmet cuisine and world-class spas, along with luxurious accommodations and a top-quality experience.
All-Inclusive Nudist resorts are NOT:
- Seedy, scary, or ‘sex clubs’ – occasionally a swinger’s club (aka ‘lifestylers’) will schedule a group trip, but if you’re not interested in that just check with your travel agent to avoid those weeks. And yes, occasionally folks will get a bit frisky in public (hey the drinks are free and the sun is warm…who wouldn’t get in the mood?) and on a walk down the beach you might encounter a couple in the throes of having sex…..if that bothers you simply turn around and head back from whence you came, or stick to a resort where that’s discouraged (some do).
- Full of people who look like supermodels – they may hire models for the photos on their website, but trust me on this, the other guests are all just very normal people of all ages with very normal bodies of all sizes and shapes.
The most important thing to remember about going to a Nude Resort is that it’s NOT about looking, judging, or comparing – it’s about enjoying the freedom from the everyday barriers represented by clothing. It’s about enjoying nature in a very natural way.
Now that you have a better understanding of what Nudist Resorts are (and aren’t), read on for…..
Our Top 6 Reasons to Visit an All-Inclusive Nudist Resort:
Freebie: You won’t need all this at a clothing-optional resort, but don’t miss out on our free printable packing list!
» Printable Packing List «
Bonus! Tips for a First-Time All-Inclusive Nudist Resort Trip:
- More than a little nervous about baring it all? Try a ‘Clothing Optional‘ resort for your first time – many of them offer a combination of clothed and clothing-optional areas….this lets you go as bare as you are comfortable with, as they’ll have totally separate areas for being nude, and if it’s not your thing you can retreat to the ‘clothed’ areas. A great choice would be Check PricesCouples Negril, Check PricesCouples Sans Souci, or Check PricesCouples Tower Isle.
- DO be aware that there is a different set of etiquette rules at a Nudist Resort – things like making sure wherever you sit you’re sitting on a towel (or wearing a sarong) – after all, would you want to sit where someone else’s bare ass has just been? And it’s considered quite rude to stay covered up while staring at others who aren’t. Likewise with taking photos – selfies are okay but be sure you’re not getting anyone else in your shot without asking. Basically anything that would make others uncomfortable is verboten.
- Keep your mind open and your attitude positive – after all, why not relax and give it a shot? The odds that you’ll encounter anyone you know are practically nil, and if you decide it’s not for you then don’t do it again……but you should give it a try, at least once!
- If a person or couple approaches you about ‘swinging’ but it’s not your thing, keep in mind that it’s a compliment — they asked because they found you attractive — and a polite ‘I’m/we’re flattered, but it’s not our thing‘ is all you need to say. No one’s feelings will be hurt, after all you’re not rejecting them, you’re just letting them know you’re not into that lifestyle.
- Ready to give it a try? Dip your toes with a low-key (quieter) all-inclusive nudist resort like Check PricesHidden Beach, or if you feel ready to dive into the deep-end (much more active/party-style) the check out either Check PricesDesire Riviera Maya or Check PricesDesire Pearl. For those looking for truly wild full-on bacchanalia, there’s Check PricesHedonism II.
- Need help comparing clothing-optional resort options? Check out our free downloadable Clothing Optional Resort Comparison Chart.
» Downloadable Guide - Clothing Optional Resort Comparison Chart «