Why are All-Inclusive Resorts Suddenly so Popular?

New All-Inclusives Resorts being built
New All-Inclusives Resorts being built

You are hearing more about All-Inclusive vacations these days for 1 big reason.

The Big Dog’s have shown up to the party.

In A Nutshell: Marriott, Hyatt, Hilton and Wyndham have all made HUGE INVESTMENTS in all-inclusive resorts…

These companies are run by the smartest people in the travel industry.

Just check their stock price – (they are running at 5yr Highs) even as we deal with the media’s latest cash cow, ‘Omicron’.

While the rest of us are wringing our hands and wailing about no more stimuli,

Marriott hooked up with Sunwing and took over their BlueDiamond Resorts.   Now Marriott is adding new all-inclusive resorts like crazy. (and we are talking 800 room properties)

The Pritzkers, who own Hyatt, just bellied up to the bar and slapped down $2.6B for Apple Leisure Group.

Hilton is scrounging for leftovers.

Wyndham went all in with a new brand call AllTra

btw…the new area North of Cancun called ‘Costa Mujeres’ looks like a city of cranes but the beach is stunning because Isla Mujeres blocks the worst of the seaweed.

New Resorts in Costa Mujeres are:

  • Planet Hollywood
  • Palladium
  • Majestic Resorts (They own 2 more lots next door)
  • Riu – which has 2 resorts already
  • Atelier which is on its own golf course.
  • AMResorts with their Secrets and Dreams.
  • And more……

These companies are the who’s who of All Inclusives.

So, when you get that much press hitting the media at once it makes a big splash.

Plus these resorts are new, state-of-the-art properties with all the food, fun, and amenities we expect.

There is one other reason…..

Cruisers are flocking to All-Inclusives.

Would you like to be trapped on a quarantined boat with 4000 other phlegm-filled blood bags?

Me neither……

BTW…. if you’re thinking of jumping on the All-Inclusive Resort bandwagon but you are waiting for the economy to tank, – then buy a new lawnmower before spring comes.

The economy already tanked, and the resorts survived.

Be safe and stay thirsty!


Don’t Miss:

[NEW] Majestic Elegance Costa Mujeres Now Open [2021]
[NEW] The Stars Align for Planet Hollywood Cancun – Opening in December

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About Jake Johnson 253 Articles
Jake Johnson is a full-time travel bum, who prefers warm climates where the women wear less clothing. We've tried to teach him things like manners and diplomacy, but we've given up and simply rely on our editors to remove the most offensive bits from his articles. We take no responsibility for his inane ramblings opinions - they are his own.
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